or select a category below to find answers faster.

Your job posting may be rejected for the following reasons:

1 You can only post one job per month, if you want to post more to find different jobs, you can refer to Vappzone packages here!

2 Due to the unclear content of your message, please contact our team via the contact button on the screen or send an email to Support@vappzone.com to confirm the accuracy of the information you have provided. grant.

To view details and contact employers on Vappzone

Currently, the details of the job postings are all available on the Vappzone application. After downloading the application, log in with facebook or phone number. Then, type the name of the job you want to search for in the search bar. on the Recruitment page. Select the job posting that fits your needs and contact them directly at the bottom of the Job Post.

To check your vacancies on Vappzone

Log in to the Vappzone application, select Menu in the left corner of the screen. Then, select Manage Job Postings. Select the job posting you want to check, customizable here.

To check your vacancies on Vappzone

Log in to the Vappzone application, select Menu in the left corner of the screen. Then, select Manage Job Postings. Select the job posting you want to check, customizable here.

To view detailed information about job search on Vappzone

Currently, only employers on the Vappzone app can view job application details. To register for a free employer account on the Vappzone app, you can check out the instructions here!

You still have not found the answer? Ask questions in the Q&A section, we are happy to assist you.