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To change your password, you need to log in with your registered account information. Then in the main screen select Menu (=) left corner of the screen, select change password and change it according to your requirements.

If you want to be notified by email whenever there is a new job that matches your search, you can create a job alert. We will send a daily email to your address announcing new jobs available at Vappzone .

To create a job alert send the content  Get a new job for this search by email to Support@vappzone.com.We will send a confirmation email Activation. for you and you just confirm it

Once the job alert is activated, we will email the first job alert within 24 hours.

You can close your account by sending Close Account to  Support@vappzone.com

Then you need to click on Vappzone Account Closing Confirmation email and confirm it

Note that, instead of closing your account, you can also choose to stop job alerts. With the text Stop Job Notification to  Support@vappzone.com , the system will automatically stop notifying with your email.

If you would like to reset your password, please visit the Sign In link in the upper right corner of any Vappzone  page.

Click Forgot Your Password? at the bottom of the login box, then enter the email address associated with your Indeed account and click Submit.

Check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox. Be sure to click the link as soon as you receive it - it's valid for 24 hours.

If you accidentally created an Indeed account with a typo in your email, unfortunately, you will not be able to recover the password for the account and will need to create a new account.


Company review policy

We want to provide job seekers with a true and appropriate representation of their work experience through Company Reviews. Reviews allow employees to anonymously share their own experiences working at the company. Company Page content is user-generated and Vappzone does not warrant the accuracy of this information or endorse any statements that are the opinions of Vappzone or its affiliates.

We value all submissions equally based on our quality policy and guidelines below.

Reviews, Questions and Answers

When writing reviews, keep the following policies in mind. Reviews that violate these policies are disallowed and may be removed from our platform:

One rating or answer to the question per individual, per company. Reviews must be accurate and related to your personal experience as a current or former employee of a company. Providing inappropriate quotes or experiences will not be accepted. You can delete your review and resubmit an updated review once your current review has been deleted.
Write your own review. Content that you write yourself doesn't have to be perfect, but make sure the review submitted is clearly written and fits the company's culture and experience. Excessive use of logos or inappropriate content will be rejected, so use your own words and express your own opinion about your experience at a particular company. Your statements must be your own opinions expressed in your content. Discussing people who may have influenced your overall experience at the company may be appropriate, but identifying information about non-public employees of the company is not appropriate to share.
People should only submit reviews to companies they have worked directly with. Reviews of the company's products or services are not suitable for this platform.
Focus on the company and your personal experiences during your time at the company. Consider both your likes and dislikes about working at the company. Make sure your assessment is honest and accurate based on your own experience at the company. The assessment should provide your opinion and personal experience with a previous or current employer.
Employees have relevant information to share about their experiences, and those experiences can be influenced by emotional factors. However, we do not allow any content that is unlawful, fraudulent, discriminatory, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or contains Sexually, ethnically, racially or otherwise discriminatory content that is irrelevant or constructive.
Content that discloses internal, non-public company information is not appropriate on this platform. This is not a forum for reporting a crime or a specific internal company incident. Referring to activities that an employee considers illegal should be entirely the individual's point of view, and mentions of illegal activity should avoid providing names or specific details. Content with allegations of illegal activity will be removed from our platform.
We do not allow self-identifying company reviewers or disclose personally identifiable information. We do not disclose reviewer information. All reviews submitted are anonymous, and identifying information is not shared with the company. However, Vappzone may be subject to a subpoena, search warrant, law enforcement agency, or court-mandated request to disclose the electronic address and identity of the user or requested information. other appropriate requirements. When you post on Vappzone in secret, for example Anonymous Company Reviews or Confidential Job Ads, your identity may be determined upon request from the government or law enforcement .
All reviews submitted are subject to our  Terms of Service . The policies governing our platform also take into consideration applicable laws in international markets.
Image Policy

We allow images to be submitted because they can better represent the context and help illustrate the story of the company's work environment. Image captions must comply with the Review, Question and Answer Policy.

Please note that the following image examples are deprecated on our platform and will be removed:

Marketing materials
Unrelated company logo
Photos of non-employees, including children and patients
Photos that reveal sensitive or confidential information
Any images that are not directly related to working experience at the relevant company

Help center

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